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The Amphibian Literary Journal
The Amphibian is now available at Boekhandel Steven Sterk, Servet straat, Utrecht, Boeken Bar, westerkade Utrecht as well as on this website and
The Amphibian Literary Journal is an international literary project for poets and writers who feel they are Culturally Amphibious; that is to say, living between two cultures. The concept of culture can be very broad and need not necessarily be between two nationalities: it covers gender,race and neuro-divergence,disabled, abled...
All are welcome, the only prerequisite is that your work be in English.
Issue 7 available as of September 1st - See website for details.

Cover art by Anne Siems
instagram @anne_siems_art

Cover art by Daniel Ablitt
instagram @danielablitt

Cover art by Adam Riches
instagram @adamrichesart
Cover art by Kento IIDA
instagram @whykentowhy

Cover art by Olga Kovtun
Instagram: @kovtun_olga_art

Cover art by Anna Potter
instagram @miss_merrykat
Cover art by Anna Potter
instagram @miss_merrykat
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